~ Note: links in this section are to LinkedIn profiles where available and otherwise to a relevant posting of the appointment. - [ send us your appointment notices kolke@facilitycalgary.com ]
+ Arthur Irving; former Pres. @ Irving Oil, Order of Canada recipient, one of Canada’s wealthiest citizens, Ducks Unlimited supporter and pillar of New Brunswick business and strong advocate of the Energy-East pipeline, project; 93
+ Rex Murphy; Canadian-extraordinaire, journalist, Alberta fan, Newfie-native and advocate – my tribute to Rex; 77
TECH + A I Trends
+ AI frenzy comes down to earth: great op-ed piece by John Rapley – it’s a 2-minute read that offers a measured approach to ‘what is happening’ in the AI world from a widely recognized subject matter expert
+ OpenAI launched it’s newest variant on it’s AI products - ChatGPT 4o - not any of the much rumoured items coming soon which have not been denied by OpenAI … like 5.0, and a search engine to rival Google (seems logical given the large stake Apple has in OpenAI and their need to improve or replace Bing), … so we should all stay tuned for that news to come. Yesterday’s big announcement – the new FREE feature and APP is called ChatGPT 4o open to everyone whether they are using the paid or free versions - demos are popping up on a number of platforms – I recommend you go to their site directly - https://chatgpt.com/ - and you’ll see something, and hear something, worth exploring further. As a user of the Chat.GPT 3.5 for a short while and having upgraded to ChatGPT4.0 (the paid version) almost immediately. The first-blush reaction I have from watching yesterday’s intro-demo is that the 4.o tool, is the conversation quality sounds like a real voice, and the interaction is like a real face-to-face or phone conversation: no lag, both can talk or write simultaneously. Too soon to tell, but my initial reaction is: education revolution – for K-PhD and for training everywhere in anything. I’m sure there are downsides we’ll hear about soon, particularly in the world of ‘fake-anything’. The unlikely news about this now, but where it will be interesting to see this applied to life, medical and health treatment, it will help enormously related: loneliness. Tic toc ….
SAVE THE DATE / upcoming events
+ May 14; IFMA Calgary Chapter – building tour/social event @ ATCO Building 909+911 – 11 Ave SW; register
+ REITrag covers activity and announcements on the activity of real estate investment trusts - REITs: - sign up at: https://markkolke.substack.com/s/reit-rag
+ You can ignore your weaknesses, but you can't expect them to not impact you. The weakness of the coach shapes the players. The weakness of the teacher influences the students. The weakness of the parent molds the child. - James Clear
+ I am always doing what I can't do yet in order to learn how to do it. - Vincent Van Gogh
+ change is coming soon – stay tuned for announcements in the coming weeks; as we approach the 25 year milestone of FACILITYCalgary … some changes to help this publication grow, include some new feature and a change to our newsletter distribution – and a new program for our advertiser/sponsors …
+ Eau Claire Market closure is imminent; making way for the Green Line LRT – end of a grande-dream to replicate Seattle’s Pike Street Market that didn’t make it here despite well meant intentions
+ OpenAI launched it’s newest variant on it’s AI products - ChatGPT 4o -
+ REITrag – is a curated news publication real estate investment trusts; all Canadian REITs and adding American and European listings; available by subscription; sign-up form