How do you see your business – commercial real estate services and property management - going forward over the next quarter?’
... it’s going to be really interesting. Not a lot of new business. We’ve got an election, the Christmas season … it’s going to be a quiet quarter – and I hope I’ll be proven wrong!
And over the next five years?
… I don’t have a crystal ball. Five years ago nobody would have predicted we would be where we are now. There are so many things we don’t control. The good thing about Alberta is our entrepreneurial mind-set that says ‘let’s get back to work’ moving forward. I see recovery, but hope it isn’t a hockey-stick …
What qualities distinguish your preferred colleagues, collaborators and suppliers?
… when I hire, I try to hire for character – that they fit into our company. With suppliers, I’m a loyal person – work with my gut, my chemistry with people.
What distinguishes you that causes people to choose David Wallach, and why do they do business with you, why have they hired you, over your competitors?
… honest. Straight shooter.
How would you describe your leadership/management style?
… I delegate – try to energize and empower people to make decisions. I procrastinate – deliberately – when it concerns people.
What do you lose sleep over, what do you worry about?
… I want to see my wife and kids succeed in life. To see our company succeed.
Who or what influenced you most – that has made a difference in your life, or that was a major turning point?
… my dad – I lived with him from age 10, after my parents divorced (my brother lived with my mother). He had old-world person values. I now value very much what I rebelled against then! He taught me the only thing I have is my reputation. He taught me to ‘pick up the bill’ more often. My uncle, who was the black sheep of his family – he didn’t focus on education and job, he went into business and was successful. He was a great role model. The sponsor of my basketball team – taught me to keep my emotions out of business decisions. And being a Staff Sergeant in the Israeli army (compulsory military services 18-21… and continued in the reserves). I got a lot of responsibility at a young age. I learned how to lead people. Learned responsibility, accountability – and that your ego won’t get you very far. I learned you have to make yourself vulnerable to earn trust.
Work-life balance – do you have it?
… getting better at it. I do 1-3 hours of work on Sunday, otherwise my weekends are non-work.
For fun?
… hiking. Helping my wife with her art business. Playing soccer (men’s recreational league), reading. A meeting every other week for an hour, with my rabbi, for spiritual learning – the spiritual side of Judaism.
What do you read?
… a lot. Business books, professional reading obviously. And novels. I alternate between an English book, then one in Hebrew. Some recent books I liked: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, Gone Girl, The Dovekeepers …
His ride?
… 2015 Cadillac Escalade.